Parenting Counseling

Famous, experienced & expert Parenting Counselor Neeta Arora provides one on one parenting counseling sessions for the parents who needs help in certain issues related to their children. These sessions are strictly confidential & only parents &/or the child is allowed to be present. Over the years, these counseling sessions has helped hundreds of parents in solving their issues related to their children as well as their relations with the…

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Divine GarbhSanskar Program

GarbhSanskar . . . a scientifically proven fact is an amazing way of teaching & educating & bonding with unborn baby in the womb during pregnancy.The fundamental principle underlying GarbhSanskar is that unborn baby is able to sense, feel, listen, dream, respond to the outside stimulus, feelings & thoughts of mother, music, mantras etc. Also it is greatly believed influenced by the thoughts of mother during pregnancy. All of us…

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Joyful Parenting Program

Are you worried about your children? Do you want to improve your relations & bonding with your child? Are you staying awake at night thinking about your child? Getting frustrated that your child does not listen to you? If yes, then Joyful Parenting is precisely the program for you! Get answers to all your penetrating questions at Neeta Arora’s Joyful Parenting Program. You’ll learn parenting the proper way. All these…

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